According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), 1 in 4 school-age children have vision problems. More importantly, if your child is born with a visual problem, they cannot bring it to the parent’s attention since the child does not know anything is wrong or missing. Visual impairments can include a misaligned eye/eye turn or the inability to focus at near or far. Therefore, diagnosing children early is important because children are more responsive to treatment. Left untreated, these visual problems can have a permanent effect on a child’s learning and development. It is recommended the first comprehensive eye exam be at six months and then at three years old and again before the child enters kindergarten.
If you notice your child displaying any of these early warning signs, contact our office to schedule an eye exam with our caring doctor.
Squinting, closing/covering one eye
Tilting the head to one side
Rubbing eyes
One or both eyes turn inward or outward
Dislike and/or avoidance of close work
Complains of headaches, nausea and dizziness
Family history of “lazy eye” or “thick glasses”
Performing poorly in school or sports